What is Feldspathic Veneer?
Do you have discolored, yellowish teeth? Have you ever felt self-conscious about your teeth & smile? Do you ever close your mouth while laughing to avoid showing your teeth? Looking for a Hollywood smile? Then it may be the right time to think about Feldspathic Veneers. You may know about Porcelain Veneers, but what is Feldspathic Veneer?
Feldspathic Veneers
Feldspathic Veneers are the type of dental veneer that is made up of a glass-like substance called feldspar. They are created in an artistry way of painting extremely thin layers of porcelain and then baking this in an oven. Feldspathic Veneers have been used to improve the look of the smile by allowing the existing tooth shades to shine through. This is the hand-crafted veneer performed with artistry by the use of brush and glass-based feldspar powder mixed with liquid. This material is highly transparent and mimics the natural definition when applied to the teeth.
With this type of veneer, the Dubai dentist will be able to provide you with the clear finishing of the toned teeth by working on any discoloration or imperfections on your teeth.
When is Feldspathic Veneers Recommended by Dentists?
If you’re looking for a cosmetic dentistry treatment to improve the look and feel of your smile, then you can consider Feldspathic Veneers. Cosmetic Dentists in Dubai often recommend Feldspathic Veneers to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your smile.
The process of getting this type of dental restoration may take more than one appointment, but the end results will be incredibly amazing, as it gives the natural shine. Feldspathic Veneers in Dubai create the final look that will match the color of the tooth enamel and the shape of your natural teeth.
How to Get Feldspathic Veneers?
Getting a dental veneer treatment is a minimally invasive procedure compared to other dental restoration options. Before taking any treatment at BellaViso, the dental clinic in Dubai, you will have a full consultation with our experienced dentists where all the potential positive and negative outcomes of having the particular treatment will be explained to you.
Are Feldspathic Veneers Strong and Worth?
It mainly depends on the dentist who is performing the procedure and how much tooth is left after drilling. Feldspathic Veneers would be very stronger if your dentist is conservative with the drill and leaves the majority of enamel left in the teeth. Feldspathic restoration doesn’t have a strong substructure to support it; rather, it gains its strength for bonding from its enamel. If supported and bonded to more enamel, then Feldspathic Veneers are incredibly strong.
Here at BellaViso Medical Center, we offer laminate veneers that are handcrafted with the aid of latest technology and carefully selected top-notch machinery to create the million dollar smile you deserve.
Book your Appointment with Us,
Make your first impression, the best impression at the first glance by getting the perfect smile makeover in Dubai. With the advancement in cosmetic dentistry, we provide Feldspathic Veneers and Porcelain Veneers based on the preference of the patients with an aim to deliver a natural-looking smile!
We believe that happy patients with beautiful smiles are the right marketing tools for our cosmetic clinic in Dubai. So, our experienced dentists are able to perfectly design a beautiful smile according to your facial structure, thus giving you the Hollywood smile as a result that make you feel confident and contribute the best to your overall dental health.