Is Dental Implant Safe?
Dental Implants are the most preferred procedure, as it helps in replacing missing teeth and give you a natural-looking smile. Are you planning to undergo dental implants? Worried that dental implants are safe or not? The experienced and board-certified dentists in Dubai from BellaViso are here to clarify your doubts on – are dental implants safe for everyone.
With over 95% success on dental implants, it not only helps to fix the missing teeth but also offers the below advantages:-
- Appearance – Look and feel of natural teeth
- Speech – You can speak with confidence since there is no need to worry about slipping dentures
- Comfort – Implants are permanent and stable
- Oral Health – Dentures can affect your dental hygiene and damage bone tissue growth. But having dental implants can stop bone deterioration and enhances healthy bone tissue growth.
Understanding the benefits of dental implants, our dentist in Dubai recommends dental implants over simple dentures. Still have doubts about dental implants? Continue reading….
Can everyone use dental implants?
Dental Implants have been used successfully for more than 50 years by providing good oral health and proper solution for missing teeth. If you’re suffering from any of the conditions listed below, you are not eligible to get implants:
- Periodontal diseases
- Lack of healthy bone tissue to hold the implant
- Chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases
- Gum diseases
If you have any of these pre-existing disorders, it’s advised to consult our dentist in Dubai to find out whether you are the right candidate for a dental implant or not. Schedule your appointment with us now!